📪Claiming Discord server boosting rewards

This page explains how to claim your booster rewards if you are boosting our Discord Server


How to claim boosting rewards (Booster Plan):

  1. Make sure you have connected your Discord account with Minecraft, if not check this guide first.

  2. While on the server's main lobby, execute /claimboost

  3. You should have now gotten the Boost role for 1 month! Check it by pressing TAB and looking at your playername prefix.

Every 30 days you can execute /claimboost once again to claim 30 days of the Boost Plan perks each time.

If you are, for instance, a Free Plan member and you decide to boost our Discord Server and claim your monthly boost rewards (activates Booster Plan for a month), the next time your server starts up you will have your server resources updated to the new plan's limits.

Last updated